Remember: Be kind to your mind!

....You will never speak to anyone more than yourself in your head, be kind to yourself...
"All the days that came and went, I didn't know they were life itself". Words speaking to me this morning. I'm sitting on the sofa with a cup of coffee early dawn when I was woken up by strong lightning and thunder. But, It's nice to be awake this early morning before the rest of the world wakes up. The beautiful silence...Just what the mind needs...
The works non-stop, but with a control we may choose what to feed it with. We need to be good to ourself as we are good to others. To set healthy bounderies for what we alllow to affect our mind is necessary for our daily life with positive growth and balance.
Yes, your body is listening to everything you think!!!
Remember to choose positive and uplifting thoughts and words! Remind yourself what an overloaded mind does to the rest of the body. Love yourself and be that love you so deeply search for. More imortant: never apologize for being you! Not perfect, but exactly how it should be in this moment...And, reading this means you also are seeking a deeper understanding of "you" , the master of your life! Yes, you are on the right path...
My affirmation today will be:
"Today I choose to be kind to my body, gentle with my mind and patient with my heart..."
Maybe this resonates with your day?
Love, Vilde & Time To Heal